Yes, we clean your room, make up your bed and serve you breakfast but we don’t like explosive diahrerrea, vomit and other body fluids being in places where they don’t belong. Also please keep the guest kitchen clean for the next great home cook.
There are some strict Dutch laws when it comes to the use of drugs and smoking weed and cigarettes. This means:
1. You have to respect our non-smoking policy in the building.
2. You are only allowed to smoke pot in a coffeeshop. Smoking it in or outside our building is strictly forbidden. According to the Dutch law we will lose our bar license if the police finds you smoking weed inside or on our terrace or foothpath. Smoking weed in our hostel or terrace means you will have to leave the hostel immediately.
3. No drugs or any sedative substances are allowed inside or outside our building.
4. No alcohol allowed in the rooms
hostel for backpackers and international students
We love people of all sorts and kinds, but we are not looking for permanent housemates. Of course if you are a newby to city, we’d love to welcome you for the first couple of weeks of your stay, but after that you will have to move on. Also if you are a Rotterdam resident you can not stay over for the night but you are more than welcome for a drink in our bar.